Thursday, June 17, 2010

The weblog

Welcome to the blog.

We will try to blog at least once a week.  The entries could include any number of the following:

-Where we are
-Where we are going
-Anything particularly interesting that has happened
-A piece music  that is fun, interesting, or helps conveys an emotion or theme
-Thoughts about transportation issues

We will try to do this all without sounding too self-centered.  This may be an impossible feat given that it is a blog about us, so please forgive us.

Please respond to what we have to say.  You can post responses to our blog or email us.  We want this to a conversation.

Thanks for riding along with us!


  1. Good luck Guys! Can't wait to read of your adventures!

  2. I will follow your blog closely. Should I rely on it for info to advertise your coming to Bellefontaine, Ohio and Bethel Mennonite Church August 14? Have fun with your Portland hosts! ~Joe's Auntie M

  3. Hello Guys
    We ride with you in our hearts.
    Love Mem & Pep

  4. Glad to hear from you and that your trip is going well I enjoy txting you I keep you in my thoughts always love Mem

  5. Hi Guys Glad all is well with you all, I admire your commitment and convittion to make this journry and see it through I admire that, your all made of good stuff.
    Love Pep

  6. Hi Guys, Hope all is well, sounds like you had a couple of rough days. Just remember a lot of people are keeping you in their prayers. Be careful and enjoy Love Mem & Pep

  7. Just read your blog. we are pretty amazed at what you are doing. It takes a lot of determination to do it. we think of you all the time and keep you in our prayers. We had a great time in canada, the rockies are unbelievable. Keep in touch, thanks for the card, we loved it.
    All our love to the three of you.

    love Mem and Pep

