Thursday, August 5, 2010

Iowa City

We have reached  Iowa City!  We arrived at 7:30 on Tuesday night after leaving Des Moines at 7:30 that morning.  Traveling that distance under my own power was quite the experience.  I enjoyed it, but it not something that I would like to do or could do every day.  I managed to zone-out and get excited as the miles ticked up.  It was fun at the time because of the epic distances we had covered and because we were arriving at Joe's house and hearing stories from Joe's youth.  It was miserable in retrospect.

Yesterday we slept in and then got a tour of Iowa City from Joe and his friend Ethan.  We visited a book store, a bikestore dedicated to bike commuting, and an Amish grocery.  Yesterday evening, we went over our friend Nicole's house.  We visited with some of our friends from EMU and some of Joe's friends from Iowa Mennonite High School.

Tonight we will talk with Joe's congregartion about our trip and why we ride bicycles.  I'm a little nervouse because the group tonight should be particularly large with lots of familiar faces.   I hope to share some of the things we talk about in a blog post tomorrow.

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