Friday, July 16, 2010

Jackson Hole, Jackson Hole

We are now in Jackson Hole.  A good Samaritan back home bought us a hotel room which provided a nice restful night sleep.  The scenery here is gorgeous, distracting, and quite a relief  after eastern Oregon and southern Idaho.  We enjoyed some extraordinarily over-priced buffulo burgers last night and are getting out of town this afternoon before we blow the budget on trying to sustain our high calorie diet in this expensive tourist town.

The last four days of cycling have been quite the breeze (tailwinds propelled out 90ish pound rigs at a 15, sometimes 20 mile per hour rate).  Spirits have been high because going fast is fun and covering long distances feels good.

Covering long distances might not feel as good in the near future as we have to travel the 900 or so miles from Yellowstone to Freeman, SD in 11 days (thanks to poor planning and being a day behind schedule).  We are going on faith that we will make it to Iowa on time (and are keeping our fingers crossed and hoping to meet a nice elderly couple in an over sized RV who offer to give a ride for a little bit).  We are going to do our best to put our fears aside and enjoy the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone over the next couple of days before heading out into Wyoming, the land that our banjo-toting, lumber-jacking, earth-wandering good friend Adam Leclair deems "unforgiving".

One conversation that keeps repeating is about rain and when it will fall.  We each have guessed a state.  Nate thinks that it will happen in Wyoming, Joe thinks we'll get wet in South Dakota, and I don't think we'll use our fenders until Iowa.  We thought it would be fun if all of you (our friends and family) got in on this sort of pool.  Guess what date we will get rained on first (for example: Tuesday 8/3).  You can post your guess as a comment on our blog or you can write your guess on the back of a black 160GB iPod loaded with every season of car talk and mail it to us.  I may not like cars, but I do like car talk.  If your answer is selected at random from the hundred of correct answers we receive, we will send you a completely saturated postcard.

We will not be able to access computers unless Wyoming has a grinch/Saul-to-Paul-esque conversion experience and suddenly becomes "forgiving" and flows forth with roast beast and interweb access.

We hope everyone is having a great summer!


  1. I vote for no rain all the way through Virginia Beach! It can rain on 8/27, have sunny skies on 8/28 for EMU move-in day, then it can rain all it wants.

    Keep on cycling, guys!

  2. Without thinking more than 30 seconds about this, I am just going to say out of the blue that it will rain on Friday, August 13, as you are approaching the great state of Ohio!

  3. 8/1 and if I send you my ipod with car talk what will listen to when I count the money???

  4. Ben,

    I listened to CarTalk yesterday and needed a diaper...I was laughing so hard! They neutered the family cat just be driving it around the block in a mini-van...saved hundreds in vet bills! That was just one of many that got me laughing hysterically...They were on a roll!

    Keeping you in prayer.

  5. August 7 - 3:17 p.m....raining cats and dogs. Make our prize a picture of one of those Wyoming jackalopes, please. We're praying specifically for an elderly Menno. couple from Harper, KS or Colombiana, OH to pick you up in their deluxe RV (with a shower). You're doing great - keep on heading this direction!

  6. Rain, you'll want some in South Dakota! How about Friday the 23?? I would like a whistle pig : )
